Add/Edit Participants

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Add/Edit Participants

Participants are people associated with the U3A. Normally they are students but are also leaders, volunteers, committee members and so on. A participant may have multiple roles within the organisation.

The addition of a participant's membership details is intended to be a self service function via the Member Portal. This procedure is therefore provided for administrators to make adjustment only as required. It is also the primary means of communicating to participants via email, post and SMS. To communicate with participants...

1. Filter the participant records. This can be done by

a.selecting a tab from the top of the grid. Thus you may select Current Participants, Leaders only, Clerks, Committee etc,

b.Use the grid's filtering features to refine your selection

2.Select the required participants by clicking the check box on the left hand side of the grid.

3.Click the Communicate button.


For further detail on selection and filtering please review the Grid topic. For detail on communication the Communicate topic is available.


A note on filtering

This procedure contains two data filtering facilities...

1.the tab strip above the grid, and

2.the standard filter button on the grid's toolbar


These filters are additive meaning an AND operator is applied. Thus, if the Leaders tab is active and a Financial To filter of 2024 selected the result will be those members who are leaders AND Financial To 2024.


Importantly, when the toolbar filter is closed, all filters are cleared and the tab strip active tab is reset to Participants.

The Participant record

The Personal group




Optional. Enter or select the person's title.

First Name

The person's first or given name. The person's middle name may also be entered to avoid duplicates.

Last Name

The person's last name (surname)

Post-Nominal Letters

Optional. Post-nominal letters are letters placed after the name of a person to indicate that the individual holds a position, office, or honour.


Male, female or other,

Birth Date


Occupation / Skill

Optional. Knowing the participant's previous occupation/skills may assist in locating useful volunteers/leaders.

The In Case of Emergency group




Enter the name of the person who is to be contacted in case of emergency.


Enter the phone number of the person to be contacted in case of emergency.

The Address / Contact Information group




The person's street details


The suburb/city in which the person lives


The four digit Australian postcode


The Australian state


This field is normally, read-only. To enable edit, click the edit (pencil) button to the right of the field.

Enter the person's email address. Normally this is the same address they login with.

Note that two or more records may share the same email address. These are said to be Linked participants. Linked participants share a common login and are mostly seen as spousal partners or a member assisting another.

Note: The recommended method of changing an email address is via Manage Credentials in the Member Portal. Changing an email address in Add/Edit Participants is provided as a convenience method to assist if the member is not receiving their confirmation email as expected. As such it should be considered as a measure of last resort.

Home Phone

The person's home phone number, if any.


The person's mobile number, if any.

Silent Contacts

This field determines the visibility of electronic addresses. Select from the list, Email, Phone, both Email & Phone or accept the default of None.

If phone numbers are silent, they will not be visible the Member Portal and cannot be used by leaders/clerks to contact the members.

If the email address is silent...

Leaders. The email address will not be displayed in the Member Portal or Class Schedule.

Students. The email address remains visible to leaders/clerks to allow communication with class participants.

Mail Preference

Select the preferred communication method being Email or Post.

SMS Opt-Out?

Tick if the member requests not to receive any SMS messages.

The Membership group



Financial To

The year to which a participant is financial to. This field is automatically maintained by the system and updated in response to the receipt of member fees. Note that leaders and life members are automatically made financial to the current year.

The Financial To year is the primary determinant of a participant's membership status. Records with a financial to year prior to the current year are considered inactive. They are not displayed or reported unless specifically selected. To select members not financial, select the Unfinancial tab in this procedure. To select all records, financial and not financial, click the All Records tab.

Date Joined

This field is automatically maintained by the system and is the date the participant record was initially created. It may be edited if required.

Date Ceased

The date the participant ceased, if any. Ceased members are never reported unless specifically selected via the Date Ceased tab in this procedure.

Life Member?

Tick if the participant is a Life Member.