Your Internet Browser

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Your Internet Browser

The application executes within the context of your Internet browser. It is therefore a special form of a standard web page. All processing is performed on Microsoft Azure  servers. Your browser is simply used to display the page and accept your input.

Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari are the most common browsers. However, there are many others; Opera, Brave, Colibri,  Iridium and Tor are but a few examples.

The browser you use is completely your choice, so long as it is kept up to date. The software has been tested on Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera.

When using your browser, it is important to know a couple of shortcuts...

Keyboard Shortcut





Access the bowser's help system.


Screen Refresh

Reloads the current tab using cached data, if possible.


Screen Refresh

Reload the current tab ignoring cached data


Full Screen

Enters/Exists full screen. Ideal if using a small laptop screen.


Move next field

Used when entering data. Press tab to move from one data entry field to the next.


Move previous field

Used when entering data. Press shift-tab to move from one data entry field to the previous.

Mouse click

Link navigation

Click a web page link to navigate to the  linked content. Note that a menu item is simply a navigation link with special rendering.

Shift-Mouse click

Link navigation

Click to follow a navigation link but open in a new browser window. This function allows you to have multiple browser pages accessing the same or different U3Admin content at the same time.

NB: Use sparingly. Overuse of the function can drain server resources.

Ctrl-Mouse click

Link navigation

Click to follow a navigation link but open in a new browser tab. This function allows you to have multiple browser pages accessing the same or different U3Admin content at the same time.

NB: Use sparingly. Overuse of the function can drain server resources.