Correspondence Hub

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Correspondence Hub

The Correspondence Hub provides detail of email queued for background processing overnight. It also provide access the Postmark server's record of email processed over the last 30 days,

The procedure consists of four tabs...

Queued Transactional Email

Email automatically generated as the result of transactions occurring in the system. These include cash receipts, enrolment notices and leader reports.

Queued Broadcast Email

Broadcast email are announcement and informational emails sent to participants via the website. If you include merge codes or attachments that email is queued and sent overnight. This tab provides detail as to the status of queued broadcast email.

Queue Leader Reports

Allows the selection of Leader Reports to be emailed to class officials overnight.

Statistics / Bounces

This tab provides access to Postmark's outbound email statistics for the last 30 days. In particular, it provides detail on soft and hard email bounces.


Search for email sent to a selected participant.


Provides access to your email provider's suppressed email list.