Queued Transactional Email

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Queued Transactional Email

Reports such as Cash Receipt, Enrolment Notice and Leader Reports are automatically generated by the system in response to activity by members and/or administrators. These reports are emailed to participants overnight.  

The Queued Transactional Email tab allows you to view the result of those emails for the last 30 days. It also allows you to send or re-send selected email to participants. This could be helpful for example, if the email requires urgent sending or if the previous automatic email has failed to send.

The status of an email will be...

Read to send


Not Accepted


Accepted means that the email has been accepted for delivery by the Postmark email service. It does not mean the email has been delivered to the recipient. To view the status of an email after acceptance by the Postmark system you must login and use the Postmark tab and/or the Postmark website.


Preview Email

To preview email to be sent, select the required items from the grid and click the Preview button. The preview will be displayed in an on-screen PDF viewer.

Send Email

To send email, select the required items from the grid and click the Send Mail button. The email will be sent without further ado.

Delete Email

To send email, select the required items from the grid and click the Delete button. Note that email is automatically deleted after 30 days. This option is therefore provided to correct mistakes and prevent incorrect email from being sent to participants.

Hint: Be a good digital citizen

Sending email places a heavy load on system resources. Do not send email during working hours unless it is urgent.