Login & Password

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Login & Password


Registration & Login is the first interaction a new or returning member has with the u3admin.org.au website. For the vast majority this is a positive if somewhat tedious experience.

For a small number there will be problems. The process of registering and then acknowledging an email can be daunting for some and assistance will be required.

For others there will be issues with email and some may have complications with password recognition and validation.

Confirmation email not received

The most common issue when troubleshooting login is that a registration / password reset email is not received. Usually, the cause of this issue is the email address provided was incorrect. The first course of action is therefore to ask the member or prospective member to retry the procedure.

If the email is still not received follow the troubleshooting steps in troubleshooting Email.

if all else fails, use Login Security & Role Assignment to manually confirm the email...

1.Find the login in question from the grid.

2.If the login exists, click the grid's Edit button.

3.In the pop-up form tick the Is email confirmed? check box and save the record.

Password is invalid

Again, the most common issue is that the password has been entered incorrectly. Otherwise, follow these steps...

1.If the person is already a member ask them to try the Member Identity as the password.  To find the Member Identity, go to the Add/Edit Participants procedure on the Participation menu column. The Member Identity is displayed on the grid.

2.Otherwise, ask the member or prospective member to reset their password using the link at the bottom of the login form.

3.Otherwise, follow the "break glass" instructions below.

The "Break Glass" emergency procedure

Use Login Security & Role Assignment procedure from the Admin menu column. You have the following options...

Existing members

1.Find the login in question from the grid.

a.If it exists, select it by ticking the check box,

b.click the Reset Password button. This will reset the password the the member's Member Identity.


2.Find the login in question from the grid,

a.If it exists, click the grid's Edit button.

b.In the pop-up form change and confirm the password. In this case, the new password must conform to the password strength requirements imposed by the system.


3.If the all else fails, delete the login if it exists and ask the member to re-register. You should rarely have to do this.

Note: If the login does not exist in the grid, it means the login record has never been created or has been deleted. Ask the member or prospective member to re-register.

New members

A new member will not have a Participant record. Therefore you cannot reset the password to the Member Identity.

1.Find the login in question from the grid,

a.If it exists, click the grid's Edit button.

b.In the pop-up form change and confirm the password. In this case, the password must conform to the password strength requirements imposed by the system.


2.Delete the login if it exists and ask the member to re-register.

Note: If the login does not exist in the grid, it means the login record has never been created or has been deleted. Ask the member or prospective member to re-register.