2025 Version History

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2025 Version History

Version 2025.2.21


1.DevExpress components updated to version 24.2.5.


1.A new menu option titled AI Chat (PREVIEW) is now available as the last item on the Participation menu. It allows chat with an AI trained on the Class Schedule.

Version 2025.2.17

AI Assistants

1.The Rich Text Editors found in our Communicate and Add/Edit Document Templates now comes with AI Assistance. To access the assistant you must select some text and right-click the mouse. The assistants will be found in the first entry of the context menu.

2.The HTML Editor that allows rich text descriptions to be entered in Add/Edit Courses now comes with AI Assistance. The assistant is accessed as the first item on the toolbar menu. Note that after inserting or replacing text you must enter at least one more character to ensure the AI text is accepted by the editor. This is simply achieved by pressing the Return key.

Add/Edit Courses

1.There is now a Description column on the grid. Each row contains an Edit button in that column. When clicked, a pop-up form is displayed that allows you to edit the course description. This change was made to overcome a number of issues when editing the description on the main edit form.

Version 2025.2.16

Member Portal - Require Terms & Conditions agreement

1.The requirement to agree to the U3A's terms & conditions has now been extended to include Enrollment requests & withdrawals.

2.The date & time the terms & conditions were agreed to is now recorded on the participant's record as a read-only field.

3.The requirement to agree to the terms & conditions will be re-requested every 120 days.

Version 2025.2.15

Member Portal - Member Details

1.if the ICE Contact or ICE Phone contain invalid data when the Save button is clicked, the software will automatically scroll to those fields as well as highlight the error.

Member Portal - Fee Payment

1.A member is now required to agree to the terms & conditions before fee payment is allowed.

Organisation Details

1.You may disable the requirement to force a member to agree to the terms and conditions before fee payment by clicking the check box on the Terms & Conditions tab.

Version 2025.2.9

Support Request Page

1.Changed text to remind member to be courteous & respectful.

Member Portal - Manage Enrollments

1.Allocating enrollments from the waitlist is now a background task that is queued for processing when exiting the module. Members can expect an enrollment notice within seconds of completing their request.

Public Landing Page

1.There is now a choice between Desktop and mobile view when printing the public Class Schedule.

Version 2025.2.1

Admin Portal - Print Leader Reports

1.Performance improvement creating leader reports

2.You may now print or email leader reports from the admin portal

Version 2025.1.31

Member Portal - Leader Reports

1.Leader reports requested by leaders/clerks are now queued for immediate processing.

Correspondence Hub - Queue Leader Reports

2.Leader reports requested by leaders/clerks are now queued for immediate processing.

Version 2025.1.28

Background Processing

1.Migration of all background processing to a new Windows server is now complete.

2.Implemented Microsoft durable functions to "fire & forget".


1.All queued documents are now processed via background processing.

2.The default is that queued documents will be processed immediately.

3.Processing can be delayed by entering the number of hours to delay.

Version 2025.1.25

Enrol Participants

1.A system error is no longer generated if an attempt is made to add a member to a course in which they are already enrolled.

2.A system error is no longer generated if the class time list is double-clicked.

Add/Edit Participants

1.An issue with adding/changing/deleting email addresses has been corrected.

Login & Role Assignment

1.The software no longer attempts to create a login for an email with space(s) prepended or appended when Populate Logins is executed.

Version 2025.1.16

Login & Role Assignment

1.Added the email address as a read only field when changing passwords.

2.Added show/hide toggle to the password field

3.Added the ability to test a password from the grid.

Home Page

1.Added Attrition tab to the home page. This page provides some analysis of those members, financial last year but have yet to renew in the current year.

Version 2025.1.11

Add/Edit Courses

1.The Year component now contains a drop down button to select any year defined within the system.

Add/Edit Receipts

2.The Year component now contains a drop down button to select any year defined within the system.

Version 2025.1.9

Login & Role Assignment

1.Implement new field, Last Login. This field is updated whenever a user logs in.

Version 2025.1.8

Portal (Admin)

The Admin Portal has been revised with an emphasis on providing operators without full administrative privilege, the tools required to assist in solving common participant problems such as resolving online (Eway) payment issues and providing assistance for those having problems logging in.

1.Interface to summary is now via a tabbed UI. This provides a cleaner interface and more vertical space for data.

2.The Received grid now includes a toolbar with the ability to select a From and To date range.

3.The Add/Edit Member grid now includes a standard grid toolbar.

4.A new tab titled, Online Payment Status provides the ability to review the status of online payments and the ability to resubmit payments to Eway if necessary. This grid provides the same functionality as the Review Online Payment Status module.

5.A new tab titled, Review Logins provides similar functionality as Login & Role Assignment except for the following...

a.Only login records for logins without roles are displayed.

b.bulk operations such as Create Domain Login, Populate Logins, Set Email Confirmed and Reset Password have been removed.

Version 2025.1.6

Member Portal

1.Improved the welcome experience for new members. If a new member, the software will proceed directly to the Member Details form rather than displaying the menu.


1.A toast message is now displayed when a grid is restored from a saved state,

Version 2025.1.2

Enroll Participants

1.Revised the grid column, Other Class to display the day and start time of class if a participant is waitlisted in the selected class but enrolled in another class for the same course.


1.Revised the Enrollment Report to print the day and start time of class if a participant is waitlisted in the printing class but enrolled in another class for the same course.

Version 2025.1.1


1.Added new report, Unsuccessful Requests List. This is a report of members who have requested enrollment in one or more classes but are waitlisted in all. In other words, all their enrollment requests have thus far been unsuccessful.

Add/Edit Courses

1.A new column, 1 per Student is now displayed on the grid. It will be checked if a course with multiple classes is restricted to one class per student.

Enroll Participants

1.A new column, Other Class is now displayed on the grid if the course participation type is Different participants in each class. The column will be ticked if...

a.the participant is waitlisted in the current class, and

b.The participant is enrolled in another class in that course.