Organisation Details

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Organisation Details

Organisation Details are basic items of information pertaining to the U3A Group as a whole. They include such things as name, address and contact details. They also include parameters used to automatically enrol members into courses, committee positions, volunteer groups and mail label parameters. Finally, it allows input of the group's Term & Conditions.

In short, it is a grab bag of parameters used throughout the system. They are values that must be defined before any other part of the system is used but once defined, rarely change.

The procedure is divided into the following tabs...

1.Your Group's Details, contains the organisation's name and address details, committee and volunteer group names.

2.Operations, contains parameters used in the automatic allocation of enrolments and waitlists as well as other parameters that control the behaviour of the system,

3.Terms and Conditions, allows the entry of text in Rich Text Format (RTF). Members are required to accept these T&C's on a regular basis.

4.Multi Campus. Allows your U3A to accept courses offered by other U3A groups (campuses) using the U3Admin system, and allows your U3A the ability to offer courses to other campuses.


Your Group's Details tab

The Organisation Details group



UTC local time offset

The number of hours difference between UTC time (GMT+0.00) and local time, ignoring any daylight savings adjustment. For Australian Eastern Standard Time accept the default of 10.

This value is used to calculate local time during overnight processing, only.

U3A Group

The registered name of the U3A group.

Australian Business Number (ABN)

The group's ABN

Office Location

The office building name, if any. For example, The Fred Smith Memorial Library

Office Street Address

The office street address, if any

Office Postal Address

The group's postal address, if any.

Phone Number

The group's phone number for member support

Email Address

The group's primary email address. Most often this is the address of the secretary.


The group's public website. This is not the address.

Send Email Address

The email address from which automatic emails are sent. Automatic emails are generated in response to changes in enrolment and the receipt of membership fees. It is most often the address of the membership coordinator.

This address will also receive an email from the system postman overnight detailing system warnings and information.

Send Email Display Name

The send email address display name. For example, myU3A Membership Office.

Support Email Address

The email address to which member support requests will be directed. If left blank, support email will be directed to the Send Email Address.

System Postman CC Address

Optionally, enter additional email addresses to receive system warnings and information from the system postman.

The Bank Details Group



Bank BSB

The bank BSB into that receives membership fees when members make payment via the direct payment method.

Bank Account Number

The bank account into that receives membership fees when members make payment via the direct payment method.

The Committee Positions group

Enter the committee positions, one per line. These positions are used when configuring the committee in Add/Edit Committee.

The Volunteer Activities group

A volunteer activity is normally an activity that occurs regularly within the group that is not considered a Course. Examples might be grounds maintenance, office administration or other assistance to the U3A group. Once defined, volunteer groups can be contacted by email/SMS as a group.

Optionally enter volunteer activities, one per line. You can then assign participants to the activity using Add/Edit Volunteers.

The Operations tab

The Class Schedule group

Options that affect the Class Schedule report.



Report for the period

The Class Schedule's reporting period. It may be one of the following values...

a.For the full year. The report is printed for the current term through to the end of the year.

b.For the current semester only. The report is printed for the current term through to the end of the current semester.

c.For the current term. The report is printed for the current term only.


Print leader on public report?

Tick if you wish to print the leader's name on the public version of the Class Schedule report. Please remember that the public Class Schedule is available to everyone, irrespective of whether or not they are logged in. As such, printing a person's name on this report might be considered a privacy issue.


The number of times automatic randomised allocation will occur throughout the year. Select from...

1.Per Year. Once a year prior to term 1.

2.Per Semester. Twice per year. Once prior to term 1 and once prior to term 3.

3.Per Term. Prior to each and every term.

The Auto Enrolment group

The allocation rules discussed in these sections only apply to the Enrolment Allocation Day when allocation is random (see below). Allocation at all other times of the year occur on a First In Wins basis.



Rule 1: New Participant Percent (%)

Enter the percentage of enrolment places that will be allocated to new students. For the purpose of auto-enrolment, a new student is one that has joined in the current financial year and has not yet been enrolled in any of their selected courses.

Once enrolled in one or more courses, they are no longer considered a new participant.

Rule 2: Remainder Allocation Method

The allocation method may be random or first in wins.

Random. Students are enrolled into their selected courses on a random basis. Random allocation is considered a fair and equitable means of allocating students to an oversubscribed course. Refer to Enrolment Allocation Day below for further details.

First in wins. Students are allocated on a first come, first served basis. Use this method if you wish to encourage students to enrol early.


Enrolment Allocation Day

Randomised allocation occurs once per allocation period on a date calculated by the configuration parameters below. After that date any new enrolments for the period are allocated on a First In Wins basis.

The parameters below are ignored if Rule 2 above is First In Wins. In this case allocation occurs at enrolment.



Week(s) Before Term Start

The number of weeks prior to term start in which automatic randomised enrolment will occur. The allowed values are from -1 being the week before term start to -4 being four weeks from the start. The default is -2 meaning the allocation will occur 2 weeks prior to term start.

On Day

The weekday on which automatic allocation will occur. The default is Tuesday.


The number of times automatic randomised allocation will occur throughout the year. Select from...

1.Per Year. Once a year prior to term 1.

2.Per Semester. Twice per year. Once prior to term 1 and once prior to term 3.

3.Per Term. Prior to each and every term.

The Leaders / Clerks Group



Send Leader Reports To

Determines the recipients of leader reports sent automatically overnight...

1.Leaders, if none then clerks. Leader reports will be sent to leaders. if there are no leaders with email addresses then the reports will be sent to clerks.

2.Clerks, if none then leaders. Leader reports will be sent to clerks. if there are no clerks with email addresses then the reports will be sent to leaders.

3.Both. Leader reports will be sent to both leaders and clerks with email addresses.


Course Contact Order

Defines the order in which a course contact is determined. The options are...

1.Leaders then clerks, or

2.Clerks then leaders

Class contacts can either be leaders or clerks all of which are optional and some may have requested their contact details to be silent. The software will therefore choose the contacts based on the order selected and who do not have their contact details silenced.

Allow leader/clerk to change enrolment?

If not ticked, enrolment can only be changed by persons with Membership authorisation or above. Otherwise, leaders and clerks may also move students to and from the waitlist via the Member Portal.

Allow leader/clerk to change enrolment?

If not ticked, clerks can only be assigned by persons with Membership authorisation or above. Otherwise, leaders may assign clerks via the Member Portal.

The Other Settings Group



Require Vax Certificate?

Tick this check box if you require the sighting of vaccination certificates.

Allow Person Post-Nominal Letters?

Post-nominal letters are letters placed after the name of a person to indicate that the individual holds a position, office, or honour. Tick to allow the entry of a participant's post-nominal letters in the Member Portal. Post-nominal letters may always be entered via Add/Edit Participants.

The Mail Labels group

Define the parameters for mailing labels. Labels are normally supplied as an A4 sheet. The default values are suitable for most...



Top Margin

The distance in centimetres from the top of the sheet to the top of the first label perforation.

Bottom Margin

The distance in centimetres from the bottom of the sheet to the bottom of the last label perforation.

Left Margin

as above but for the left margin.

Right Margin

as above but for the right margin.

Label Height

The height in centimetres of one label

Label Width

The length in centimetres of one label

The Data Retention Group

These parameters determine how long the system will store your data. If in doubt, simply keep the default values.





Attendance data (years)

The number of years to retain attendance data. Most system statistical aggregates are derived from attendance records. Retaining this data enables good historical analysis.

5 years

1 year

Enrolment data (years)

Unlike attendance data, enrolment data is not used for historical analysis. Keeping it for more than 2 years is counter-productive.

2 years

1 year

Financial - receipt & fee data (years)

The commercial norm of five years is sufficient.

5 years

1 year

Persons not financial (years)

Keeping participant information on file may assist if the person decides to rejoin in a future year. This should be weighed against the privacy implications of maintaining personal data for non-members.

2 years

1 year

Registrations never completed (days)

The number of days to keep a registration for which membership fees have never been paid.

60 days

30 days

The Terms & Conditions tab

Use the Rich Text Format (RTF) editor to enter your U3A group's 'Terms and Conditions. Hint: it might be easier to use a Word processor such a Microsoft Word to do this and copy and paste the result.

If entered, your members will be required to agree to these terms on a regular basis. The Terms & Conditions will be displayed in the Member Portal and the member will be required to accept them using an Accept button. If the member does not accept the T&C's they will be logged out until they do.

The Multi Campus tab

This tab provides the options to allow your U3A to accept courses offered by other U3A groups (campuses) using the U3Admin system, and allows your U3A the ability to offer courses to other campuses. This facility is known as the Multi Campus Extension to the U3Admin system.

To opt-in to multi-campus extensions, tick the Allow Multi-Campus Extensions checkbox. The system will display two lists...

1.U3A Not Allowed. Those U3A you do not wish to accept courses from, and

2.U3A Allowed. Those U3A you do not wish to accept courses from.

There could be any reason why you do not wish to allow a particular U3A. However, it is anticipated the most common reason will be that distance prohibits a reciprocal arrangement.

That's it! Courses offered by other U3A will now appear in your Class Schedule. Your members may request enrolment and will or will not be accepted by the offering U3A.

To offer a course to other U3A, go to Add/Edit Courses and identify those courses you wish to offer. Once the schedule cache is updated, your courses will appear in their Class Schedule.