Add/Edit Courses

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Add/Edit Courses

A Course is an activity organised by the U3A group.

A course may have one to three Leaders, and as many Students enrolled as allowed. In addition, the course may have a Guest Leader which is a leader that is not a financial member of the U3A group. Leaders may assign Course Clerks from the enrolled students to assist with administrative tasks.

A course may have one or more classes. A Class defines the time and place a course is held. It contains parameters that determine when it occurs and how it recurs. Students are enrolled into the class, not the course. Therefore, enrolment is not permitted into a course unless at least one class is defined.

You may define a Course as an Off-Schedule Activity. This is an internal or private activity that is not displayed on the Class Schedule and cannot be enrolled into via the member portal. Such activities might include committee meetings, cleaning rosters, venue hire etc. Another use might be to hide the course until an enrolment window opens or until course details are confirmed.

Those with access to the Administrative Portal may enrol participants in Off-Schedule Courses. Participants enrolled in these courses will be able to view those enrolments via View your course enrolments on the Member Portal.  

Alternatively, a course may be defined as a Featured Course. Featured courses are highlighted as such and are always displayed the top of the Course Schedule. Featured courses should be kept to a minimum and reviewed regularly. Otherwise, their impact may be reduced.

A course and its associated class(es) can be deleted. However, this should be avoided once there are enrolments and/or attendance details. Deleting a course will delete all enrolment and attendance detail associated with it.

Hint: Check the Current Year

Before you create/edit courses please ensure you are working in the correct year. The year is displayed on the top right hand corner above the grid. Click the button titled, Change Year to change. Note that terms for the new year must be created via Add/Edit Enrolment Terms before you can do this.

Rebuild Cache button

The system employs a cache to display the Class Schedule. Using a cache of pre-calculated data to display the schedule saves time and improves performance on the most used and calculation intensive process in the system. The cache is rebuilt automatically every hour. If you make changes to course/class details you may optionally click the Rebuild Cache button to rebuild the cache immediately.

Preview Enrolment List button

Click this button to preview all classes as seen by members making enrolments via the Member Portal. It is anticipated that this preview will be useful when the current enrolment period is undefined.

Course Edit Views

When adding and editing course data, you have the option of choosing between one of three views...

1.Simple View. This view presents the course and class data as one form. When creating a new course the Occurrence will be set to Weekly. It is anticipated that this view will be suitable for most U3A courses.

2.Activity View. This is a slight variation on the Simple View specifically intended for activities and events that occur once only. Therefore, when creating a new course the Occurrence will be set to Once Only and the Start Date displayed.

3.Detail View. A detail view in which all fields are displayed and provides the ability to create multiple classes per course. While being the most complex of all views, it is also the most flexible and comprehensive.

In addition, all views contain a Settings tab. This allows you to override default system settings as defined in Organistaion Details. It also allows you to offer your selected courses to other U3A using the system's Multi Campus Extensions.

Some Notes

A view is persisted with course data. That means the view that was active at the time a course record is written to the database will be used when that data is subsequently retrieved from the database.

Views are organised via a tabset at the top of the edit form. A view can be changed at any time by clicking the tab desired. The exception to this is a course with multiple classes which is always displayed as a Detail view.

A view is simply a means of displaying course data. All course records have the same data structure "under the hood". It is therefore permissible to select and/or change the best view for the course you are implementing.

The Simple and Activity views contain a Show Details checkbox on the Class group of fields. Ticking this field will display all fields for the class.

Changing class schedule parameters

The dates on which a class is held is a calculation based on parameters stored on the Class record (see below). These parameters are...

a.Term offered

b.Start Date



e. On Day

f.Start Time


Changing any one of these values will cause the following system operations...

1.The operator will be warned of the changes to occur and be given the opportunity to cancel the operation.

2.The system will delete any attendance records from the current date forward. They will be re-created according to the new schedule parameters.

3.Existing attendance records prior to the current date will be left intact and with the previous schedule parameters.


It is safe to change class schedule parameters as the deletions only affect future attendance records and in most cases there will be none. Student leave & cancelled class records are not affected.


hmtoggle_arrow1        The Course Record

hmtoggle_arrow1        The Class Record

The class link        The Class Link